March recap

Hello everyone! This is my first blog of monthly recap . March has been a rollercoaster for me . It was not an easy month. At the start of the month I met with a small accident and my scooty was damaged a lot. After 2-3 days I got sick and after a few daysContinue reading “March recap”

Life of a teen

The most changing part in everyone’s life is a teenage . Teenage is a age where we grow physically as well as mentally. Life of a teenager is not easy.. The teenage years are full of good/ bad experience, frustration, floods of emotions, pressure. Life of teen is not that good as shown in movies.Continue reading “Life of a teen”

Mahabharat lessons for sportsmen and fans

As we reveal in the Olympian feats being broadcast on television sets it is important to reflect on how sports can bring out the best and worst in us. This is dramatically illusterated in mahabharat. Mahabharat is an ancient but epic living book. It is not a religious book . It tells is the realContinue reading “Mahabharat lessons for sportsmen and fans”

Let’s be friends with others

My window overlooks a small childrens playground where children usually play in the evening once I Eavesdrop a conversation and heard a child saying to another “will you be my friend”. There is a lot implied in that one question. It’s like a pact that says: “will you be with me when I fight withContinue reading “Let’s be friends with others”

Top 3 movies you should watch

Hi, everyone I have always been a fan of bollywood movies. And here are  3 movies of bollywood which motivates me, makes me laugh, teaches us  and       encourages us to live our life happily and to listen of our hearts… 1. Zindagi na milegi Dobara This is an adventures film which tells us  to liveContinue reading “Top 3 movies you should watch”

After 10 yrs…

After 10 yrs I would be 27yr old. Ok that’s seems to me a quite big number. Like seriously I would be an adult. My life would be so different from now. Maybe I would be working in high company job with good salary , have car etc… Or I would be teaching, or beContinue reading “After 10 yrs…”

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